
Monday 5 August 2013

A bit of everything

I have finally found the time to write another post! I wrote that first sentence in June! I have had this draft post for almost 3 months. The kids really keep me busy and sometimes I just don't have the time to write and upload pictures. I'm so glad I finally have some time today.

We got to spend some time with Jason's daddy, which we don't often get to do. So the kids are always super excited when they get to see 'Paw-Paw'.

At Paw-Paw's house

One of our favourite things to do as a family is to go to the park. We love it because it's FREE plus we get to work off extra pounds we've gained. While waiting for Jason to finish his work, the kids and I went to the parking lot next to his shop and had all different kinds of know like running races, skipping races, backward races, side-running races, hopping races etc. This was a whole lot of fun and quite tiring for me! Kids have ALOT of energy! Jason finished his work so we made a trip to the park and still these kids did not slow down. The kids rode their bikes while Jason and I trailed along.

I'm so happy that Abigail was able to participate in the Children's Musical this year!

Here are just some pictures of us celebrating Jacob's 2nd Birthday! Mrs. Dolores (Momma) and Bro. Randy invited us to their house for a delicious southern meal and fellowship. We enjoyed some finger-lickin' fried chicken, beans, corn, those really delicious garlic biscuits from Red Lobster and her famous peanut butter balls. My mouth is watering now! I have many favourite meals but fried chicken is at the top 5 so I was so excited. Plus... I have not cooked fried chicken (with bone) since 2008. I am a little scared to because the last time I cooked it I gave my husband HORRIBLE food-poisoning! He hasn't looked at fried chicken the same since then! I still can't believe I did that! We were just newly-weds back then! Momma also invited the Fussners, I'm so glad we were able to spend some time with them. We will miss them very much when they leave for Texas soon. The kids really love playing with each other.

Joshua and Abigail became good friends especially when we stayed at the Mission house. When the Fussners were out of town for a while last year, I was talking to Mrs. Krystal and Abigail pipes up and says, "Tell Joshua I miss him!" and Joshua says "I know it!" HAHA! I thought that was hilarious! I'm so thankful for this time with them.

Here are some pictures!

We had some people over on a Sunday for Jacob's birthday and the men were playing cornhole outside while the women were inside talking. Suddenly Jason comes in carrying Jacob with scratches and dirt on his face and crying loudly. Jason tells me that he was riding his tricycle and somehow started down the hill. The hill at the front of our house is pretty steep and at the bottom is an 8 foot drop to the concrete road. So, his tricycle sped up down the hill, somehow he (or the Lord) turned the steering to the right so his bike turned over and Jacob did a face plant on the dirt. I praise the Lord that He protected our little boy.

All scratched up but happy!

Our little cowboy with his 'battle scars' and his sippy cup :)

Abigail and Joshua

The Fussner boys

Jeremy and Wyatt This is what they love to do!

I tried to take a picture with all the kids and their heads altogether in a circle and of course that did not work!

My beautiful little girl

Racing their horses

Rope swinging with Momma

I'm so happy I finally finished this post! Abigail is turning five this week. I can't believe it... She is having a tea party for all her friends this week and when I have the time I'll post some pictures of it.

Happy Monday everyone!

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