
Friday 1 February 2013

The many faces of Sgt. Jeremy :)

I had a little time today to look through some pictures from last year and here is my little Jeremy and some of his facial expressions. Jeremy is a hilarious little boy and he has so much personality :) This particular day, he wanted to be a soldier in the Lord's army. He showed me his 'fighting' look, his 'happy heart' face, his sad face and other faces that I don't have names for :) So thankful for this little man :)

Snowboots, screaming and a stray cat

We finally had some snow that stayed on the ground. Abigail woke up and looked out of the window and started screaming "Snow, snow, snow! Can we go outside?" After our morning routine, I told the children that we could go out for a little while and play outside. I was a little reluctant because I knew how cold it would be and I was mighty comfortable in our warm cozy house but a wise person once said, "It's not about me." So, we all bundled up and put on our boots! I'm so glad I didn't let my own selfishness get in the way of a special time with my kids! They had a blast!

After playing outside for a little while, we had a visitor come up to our yard and play. He usually comes and visits in the morning and the kids and I feed him some milk. The kids really enjoy having him come except for Jacob. Jacob was terrified of this cat and won't go near him. After our little snow trek outside, we came in and had some hot (lukewarm) Ovaltine. What a special time we had!

(I don't know if you can see but there is a little hidden text, I didn't realise it until I published the post) :)