
Wednesday 19 December 2012

A week in a cabin

We are so blessed to have friends that invited us along to a week in a cabin at Gaitlinburg,Tennessee. After a busy week of Mission's conference, we were able to 'chill out' with them. We went with a family of 6 and a family of 5. Adding our family, it summed to 10 kids--11 years old and under! What a crew! It was a four story log cabin with a large-sized pool in the basement. It had four stair-cases that eventually led to the fourth level. So there was plenty of space for all the little kids and the big kids too!
We were in a room with a big hot tub and the kids insisted that they wanted to sleep there so we let them. We put some thick blankets down and after a strong warning to our son Jeremy not to touch the knobs--this became their beds for the week!
We stayed in the cabin the whole time except for some trips to the grocery store and goodwill. The kids played, the men played pool and the ladies talked. It was a very relaxing time. The kids were not able to swim in the pool until the last day because the heater was broken, so when it was fixed they took full advantage of it!
Every night, we had a little devotion and singing before going to bed. It was a sweet time of fellowship with God and with each other. It was a blessing when all the kids got up and sang for us. Children's voices praising our Creator--what a beautiful sound! After hearing about the massacre that occurred in Connecticut, I grieve for the parents and love-ones who have suffered such a painful loss. Hearing these children's voices, looking through their innocent eyes, feeling their warm embrace, sharing their laughter provokes me into thought of the value of time and life. Training these children and 'spending life' with them is so important and sometimes I grow weary but it really is a great privilege to be a parent. I thank the Lord for giving me my kids!

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